
Good performance of vacuum brazing furnace

Good performance of vacuum brazing furnace
Vacuum brazing furnace to maintain excellent soldering quality depends on the performance of the vacuum unit. Often, vacuum pump needs to be careful not to think that "you never turn it off, it will run forever." If vacuum maintenance crew at the time, on weekends and holidays shutdown, more economical to do so. Otherwise, if still idling at the weekend, mechanical pump will be stuck and difficult to start again. The results of our experiments show that this method can save a lot of electricity. Due to the lack of water or overheating, mechanical pump overheating, and noises.
It's better to keep the water temperature is 140. (60 ~ 150 F a 6 ℃), the use of portable devices to pump oil filter once a week, check the oil level and take sample, check the oil quality by feeling and appearance. A few years ago, we have found that the mechanical pump with high quality oil is more economic. The cost of high quality oil is generally more than three times of industrial oil, and keep the pump qing jie time is five times the sustainable. Live a door should be changed every three months and spring. Stainless steel spring live longer.

