
The working principle of brazing furnace

The working principle of brazing furnace

At present, the development of the gas protection brazing furnace, generic mostly imported products. Which is used for aluminum alloy heat sink, and other aluminum brazing furnace and strikingly similar to imported products, this is the result of controlled by Noclock process, only some use manufacturer in order to reduce investment requirements development unit is simplified. If a manufacturer will solder spray, dry air blown away, workpiece processing outside the furnace. Handle directly into the brazing furnace after welding. Even so, our country the majority of users of the equipment investment is difficult to bear. Thus, a company in China in order to adapt to the requirement, developed a single chamber discontinuous brazing furnace, its investment is greatly reduced. But lower efficiency and quality and stability, can say, this is no way to solution. Brazing of aluminum products for high temperature control precision and the uniformity of the heating demand. Developing the brazing furnace for domestic research units, difficulty is very big still. To this end, a domestic research units have adopted a Japanese company and cooperation way, but because of its technology and key components are from Japan, so the cost reduction is not much, the price advantage is not big. Develop performance meet the welding requirements, at the same time, the price is acceptable for users on the brazing furnace gas protection, only on the basis of absorbing foreign advanced technology, the road go localization. Now a certain institute is to take this way. Steel parts brazing furnace compared with imported products, there are different:
(1) import brazing furnace protective atmosphere is mostly for liquefied petroleum gas. And now most of our country by decomposition of ammonia gas. In fact, in the western developed countries protect atmosphere basically USES two: a, liquefied petroleum gas. B nitrogen-based atmosphere. Most prospects of nitrogen based atmosphere. Now not only threatens our country's energy crisis, but also threatens the entire world. We know that the air contains 78% nitrogen, is inexhaustible. Now most also USES the ammonia decomposition gas in our country, the main reason there are two: one is the decomposition of ammonia gas was simple; Second, the publicity of nitrogen based atmosphere, the masses of users do not know much about this, has affected the promotion.
(2) domestic protective atmosphere generator are placed outside the furnace. Outside the furnace gas protection to the furnace protection. And brazing furnace introduced into China the most protective atmosphere generator in the furnace, the advantages of many, such as saving area, save energy, simplify operation, so as to save investment and so on, this way should be vigorously promoted.
(3) heating element: during a visit to import brazing furnace and anatomic abroad, most of the heating element adopts two kinds, one is the resistance wire, 2 it is tubular heater. Our country is most use SiC rods.
(4) the furnace structure: imported cost brazing furnace, with oil heat resistant and heat preservation materials of masonry furnace for, belong to the horse fee structure. But almost no this kind of furnace in our country adopt the ma fee structure of heat resistant steel. In the transmission structure, our country's research unit should be of kung fu. Now regardless of mesh belt transmission or ship plate, have obvious disadvantages. According to information, the overseas developed a ceramic mesh belt, it does not change the way of transfer, still make the operation workers; No metal mesh belt and thermal creep and crystal growing concern. This mesh belt such as developed, will reduce the running cost of the brazing furnace.
In short, our country in gas shielded continuous aluminum brazing furnace home and abroad have a certain gap, in steel, stainless steel, copper and other materials used for the brazing furnace home and abroad the gap is not big, research efforts are also increasing.

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  1. This guide is really helpful and explaining a lot more about furnace. The utility bill must be cut off by deploying a sfurnace. Heating and Cooling Unionville
