
Debugging and testing of vacuum brazing furnace

    Debugging and testing of vacuum brazing furnace

After the full set of device according to the skills requirements, shape and outstanding piece of ground, can according to the following project for debugging and testing.
1, check the project
1) appearance quality view: outer appearance should be flat light, no serious pit and mechanical bruising.
2) primary outsourcing parts specifications, certificate of approval of view: such as vacuum unit, magnetic voltage regulator, electronic potentiometer, feeble temperate-feeble processor, vacuum relay, etc.
2, cold furnace debugging
1) mechanical, pneumatic, electrical linkage debugging, adjust the workpiece transfer handling time 25 s or less, the linkage in the case of a load of 200 kg, three actions should be harmonious stable, accurate.
A. vacuum insulated door is opened or closed moment to 8 S or less.
B. the car into the workpiece to the heating chamber schedule time to 12 to 15 S.
C. the workpiece car increase or reduce travel time to 3 S or less.
D. workpiece car to retreat to the cooling chamber schedule time to 12 to 15 S.
E. carry 200 kg of linkage experiments, the total travel time for 25 S successive action should be harmonious stable, or less accurate.
Debug, 2) gas cooling fan speed 1400 r/min, sensitive, no abnormal phenomenon.
3) the alarm system debugging, and should be accurate, secure.
4) measurement of insulation resistance is greater than or equal to 20000 euro.
5) measurement, vacuum stove cold pressure rise rate near 1.5 Pa/h (combing with carrying out in the hot commissioning).

