
Vacuum brazing furnace operation procedures

Vacuum brazing furnace operation procedures
Before a furnace, vacuum furnace and ensure that water, electricity, gas in the assignments. In 380 v voltage, can not have the deviation of 10%. Pressure in 0.6 Mpa, the water pressure to the lowest (0.5 Mpa). Reach the above requirements to electricity, after operation.
Second, before feeding, check the equipment heating chamber, the heating chamber is necessary to clean, can not have sundry, dust, oil, water, etc. In view to put goods, dry cleaning, same before feeding the without watermarks, oil and other washing clean.
Third, after loading, the knob to the "door close" position. Then, a "mechanical pump" and "thick smoke valve". Of vacuum unit and the furnace smoke gas, opened the vacuum furnace with the power supply (general vacuum gauge power to launch with total power supply).
Fourth, when the vacuum degree higher than 1000 pa, vacuum gauge monitoring "J2" light. This time, can open "roots pump. Conditions such as, "roots pump" will not open, click on the button no response.


Vacuum brazing furnace method has the following several kinds of classification methods

Vacuum brazing furnace method has the following several kinds of classification methods
Selected for the quality of the vacuum brazing furnace and the brazing method and brazing material (solder, solder, etc.) and vacuum brazing furnace process parameters and so on. According to the different characteristics and standards, vacuum brazing furnace method has the following several kinds of classification methods.
(1) according to the adopted by the melting point of solder Can be divided into soft soldering and brazing, solder melting point is lower than 450 ℃ when called soft soldering, higher than 450 ℃ when called brazing.
(2) according to the brazing temperature Can be divided into high temperature soldering, brazing temperature and low temperature brazing, the division of temperature is relative to the parent metal melting point. For steel, for example, the heating temperature higher than 800 ℃, called high temperature brazing, called between 550 ~ 800 ℃ in the brazing temperature, the heating temperature is below 550 ℃ is called low temperature brazing; But for aluminum alloy, the heating temperature higher than 450 ℃, called high temperature brazing, called between 300 ~ 450 ℃ in the brazing temperature, the heating temperature is below 300 ℃ is called low temperature brazing.
(3) according to the different heat source and heating method can be divided into flame brazing, furnace brazing resistance welding, induction brazing and soldering, dip soldering, brazing, soldering iron and ultrasonic soldering, etc.
(4) according to the way of removal of the parent metal surface oxidation film can be divided into solder brazing, soldering flux soldering, the flux brazing, gas brazing and vacuum brazing, etc.
5. According to the joint formation characteristics Can be divided into capillary brazing and the capillary brazing. Liquid solder on capillary action fill in brazing seam is referred to as the capillary brazing; Capillary action in a vacuum brazing furnace form does not play a major role in the process is called the capillary brazing. Contact reaction brazing and diffusion brazing is the most typical of capillary brazing process.
6. According to the connection of different material or filler metals Can be divided into aluminum soldering, brazing of stainless steel, titanium alloy brazing, high temperature alloy soldering, brazing ceramics, composite brazing copper and silver brazing, soldering, etc.


The realization of vacuum brazing furnace automation

The realization of vacuum brazing furnace automation
Vacuum brazing furnace spray subject to the circular structure, surface passivation treatment, which ensure the beautiful appearance, also make soldering flux recovery effect is better, which can effectively prevent soldering flux, in the case of spray flux indoor accumulation, cleaning is also very convenient. Circular structure USES the real high pressure fan, pressure can reach 280 mbar, cooperate with special wind mouth, the wind speed can reach 50-200 - m/s, which can effectively remove redundant solder surface residues. Vacuum brazing furnace of a high degree of automation, below we come to the realization of the vacuum brazing furnace automation:
1, vacuum brazing furnace spray mixing system contains a lot of humanized design, solder recycling barrel equipped with filtering impurities, can filter most of the iron xu. Barrel designed deep barrel structure, which can effectively prevent solder overflow by stirring, and affect beautiful. Upper barrel equipped with omron level control, but the lack of liquid alarm.
2, the structure of the brazing furnace using fiber (cotton) around, verified by long-term considerations, insulation performance is better, can save heating time 2 to 3 hours, managing electric energy 10-20% while working for a long time, its main performance in response speed, low heat storage and heat preservation performance is good, had no effect on inflation, etc.
3, main part furnace brazing furnace, furnace is made of a 12 m in forming, namely only two side 2 weld, folding strengthen V groove at the bottom of the two.
4, slag removal chamber equipped with nitrogen gas preheating system, because there are high temperature slag removal chamber, in 500-600 ℃, when not being used, the high temperature also need emitted, resulting in energy loss. Now through slag removal chamber, internal installation scattered tropical, nitrogen cycle special process structures, such as nitrogen can be preheated to 350-400 ℃, and indirectly reduce the brazing furnace to nitrogen loss to the heat and power consumption.
5, for the energy-saving design of nitrogen, nitrogen losses mainly in the feed port and discharging port, how to ensure that the nitrogen loss is the key to save the nitrogen. Regular design can make the nitrogen from metal curtain on both sides of the overflow, metal curtain roll after using for a long time will appear, cannot achieve the desired effect. Now my company through from the top insert metal curtain, and high temperature polyester cloth, make furnace at two sides with the metal curtain connecting more closely, metal curtain after using for a long time will appear curly, but we have high temperature polyester cloth, outer spillover will still blocked the nitrogen.
6, fully automatic electric control system, two undisturbed switching procedures manual and automatic mode, can accurate records of each area of temperature curve, can copy computer analysis with EXCEL at the same time. The procedural control of the brazing furnace, can be very convenient setting the heating time, needed to make a contribution to protect the furnace. In view of the different temperature requirements of different products, with a key switch technology products, and other functions. Touch screen for each line, motor, temperature control, frequency converter fault for real-time monitoring, timely detection alarm in time, and in the form of Chinese display and storage.
7, remote control function, in the case of equipped with cable, can use the computer, mobile phones connected to the touch screen in real time, can see or remote control, also can be used as a remote maintenance. Brazing furnace main parts can also be video view (optional).


The reliability of the vacuum brazing furnace

The reliability of the vacuum brazing furnace
Vacuum brazing furnace according to maintenance schedule should be regularly to listen to correction and cleaning tape type furnace temperature recorder, check the workpiece, thermocouple and vacuum degree. By the wear and car dust between the electromechanical device, may count is not correct, cause the brazing operation. Mass production and repeat a user for the workpiece temperature of the thermal cycle of control, can be controlled by electric furnace thermocouple, the workpiece temperature measurement is required, clear electric thermocouple and the brazing temperature can be the difference between the actual temperature.
If all other conditions, including the amount and type of parts are the same, using electric thermocouple temperature on behalf of the workpiece temperature usually is practical. But the data reliability depends on daily on a regular basis to detect temperature and still need to confirm for a vacuum brazing furnace temperature is. Continuous consistent.


Vacuum brazing furnace product use and structural features

Vacuum brazing furnace product use and structural features
Vacuum brazing furnace product use: can be used for alloy steel, tool steel, die steel, high speed steel, bearing steel, spring steel, stainless steel materials such as bright quenching, annealing, or magnetic material sintering, or high temperature brazing and other details Can be used for aluminum alloy low temperature vacuum brazing, silver brazing temperature in copper, or stainless steel high temperature brazing. Suitable for: aluminum alloy or stainless steel radiator, evaporator, condenser, and large aluminum alloy plate heat exchanger of air separation industry.
Structure point: adopt more district heating automatically control, furnace temperature uniformity can reach more than + / - 3 ℃. Strong external circulation cooling system can be configured according to need, greatly improve production efficiency. Equipment the overall high reliability, long service life, performance reached modern advanced level of similar foreign equipment. Maximum effective heating area can do 8 m * 1.55 m * 1.55 m, a furnace charging quantity 18 tons. Electric control system of main control instrument and device USES imported product, with advanced computer control system.


The vacuum brazing furnace

The vacuum brazing furnace
1) completely eliminates the oxidation and decarburization on the surface of the workpiece during the process of heating, clean surface without metamorphic layer can be obtained. That only when grinding mill side of cutting tools (such as twist drill grinding after make direct exposure to edge) of the decarburization layer of the grooved surface cutting performance greatly improved relations.
2) on the environment pollution-free, "three wastes" treatment is not required.
3) obviously improve the temperature measurement, the monitoring precision. Indicated value of thermocouple temperature and furnace temperature reached plus or minus 1.5 ° c. But in different parts of a large number of artifacts in the furnace temperature difference is bigger, if USES the rarefied gas forced circulation, can still be controlled within + / - 5 ° c temperature difference.
4) high degree of mechanical and electrical integration. Increase in the temperature measurement and control accuracy, on the basis of the workpiece moving, pressure adjustment, power adjustment, etc all can set programming in advance, according to the steps to implement the quenching and tempering.
5) energy consumption significantly below the salt bath furnace. Modern advanced vacuum brazing furnace heating chamber is made of high quality insulation material of insulation walls and barriers, electric energy can be highly focused on indoor heating, energy saving effect is remarkable.


Continuous high temperature brazing furnace working principle and composition

Continuous high temperature brazing furnace working principle and composition
High temperature continuous brazing furnace is the decomposition of ammonia decomposition equipment out of hydrogen after purification of hydrogen nitrogen mixture as protective atmosphere under the influence of continuous brazing and bright annealing of special equipment, main use: iron base, copper base workpiece workpieces, continuous brazing of stainless steel workpiece and light processing.
(1), continuous brazing furnace parts:
The equipment by the actuator (feed), the preheating section, heating furnace, cooling section, driven organization (discharge), sea pneumatic control system, electric control system and liquid ammonia decomposition furnace, etc.
1, the working principle of the
Work-piece with stainless steel mesh belt transmission, placed on the mesh belt, from the preheating section inlet, through the mesh belt transmission, through preheating, heating, cooling (solder melting). From cooling period of discharging of artifacts within the muff ruler is pure hydrogen gas protection, due to the reducing hydrogen gas, make the product surface bright, no oxidation. Artifacts is welded by heating the workpiece, melt filling material (solder), using capillary action to make liquid solder filling the space between the parent metal, welding after cooling to achieve.
2, work process
Manual feeding to mesh belt transmission, the preheating section - mesh belt transmission - heating section (solder melting) - > mesh belt transmission to cooling section, manual


Vacuum furnace - good protection maintenance methods

Vacuum furnace - good protection maintenance methods:
1) the pump protection maintenance, please see the detail its use manual;
2) vacuum furnace for a long time need not when, it is necessary to properly keep the system with cooling water should be put on net. Especially in the winter should adhere to the indoor temperature above 10 ℃, smooth with antifreeze bad equipment and adhere to the outstanding conditions;
3) work to introduce choose 46 anti-wear hydraulic oil, oil using oil temperature within 15 ℃, 60 ℃;
4) the oil should be consented to enter the tank after strict filtering;
5) oil each replaced once a year, for the first time in the replace time shall not exceed three months;
6) check check once every six months pressure gauge,
7) the machine is stopped for a long time, the processing appearance should be wiped clean and coated with anti-rust oil.
8) don't know the structure of the machine function or procedure should not private line to start the machine;
9) machine in the process of operation, should not be for maintenance and adjustment mould;
10) when machine found serious leak or other abnormal (such as the action is not reliable, large noise, vibration, etc.) should be parking analysis reason, try to wipe out, not being put into production.
11) shall not be overloaded or beyond the maximum offset distance use;
12) vacuum furnace for a long time need not when, vacuum box should be insured deposit under the vacuum condition, all equipment cooling water should be put on net. Especially in the winter should adhere to the indoor temperature above 10 ℃, smooth with antifreeze bad equipment and adhere to the outstanding conditions;
13) before beginning each technical process, should be measured a heater resistance and insulation resistance to ground, ensure no short circuit, open circuit representation;
14) regularly check system all wiring is loose or break line, such as found that should tighten loose place, will break from cohesion;
15) heating chamber, such as attack damage need to replace, otherwise the heat preservation effect;
16) to check the electric control cabinet back each relay is instrumentation, such as loose surface are detected, should be timely put tight;
17) time to arrange, electric control cabinet to remove adherent dust, crushed, metal scraps, etc., don't make it work for a long time in high temperature, moisture, dust pollution environment;
18) claims that did not work, please send electric control cabinet back all the status of the circuit breaker from ON to OFF, or directly closed the total power, avoid shock disturbance;
19) using the touch screen, pay attention to the operation process, avoid the wrong operation; Touch screen together to gently, avoiding the damage to the screen.


The realization of vacuum brazing furnace automation

The realization of vacuum brazing furnace automation

Vacuum brazing furnace spray subject to the circular structure, surface passivation treatment, which ensure the beautiful appearance, also make soldering flux recovery effect is better, which can effectively prevent soldering flux, in the case of spray flux indoor accumulation, cleaning is also very convenient. Circular structure USES the real high pressure fan, pressure can reach 280 mbar, cooperate with special wind mouth, the wind speed can reach 50-200 - m/s, which can effectively remove redundant solder surface residues. Vacuum brazing furnace of a high degree of automation, below we come to the realization of the vacuum brazing furnace automation:
1, vacuum brazing furnace spray mixing system contains a lot of humanized design, solder recycling barrel equipped with filtering impurities, can filter most of the iron xu. Barrel designed deep barrel structure, which can effectively prevent solder overflow by stirring, and affect beautiful. Upper barrel equipped with omron level control, but the lack of liquid alarm.
2, the structure of the brazing furnace using fiber (cotton) around, verified by long-term considerations, insulation performance is better, can save heating time 2 to 3 hours, managing electric energy 10-20% while working for a long time, its main performance in response speed, low heat storage and heat preservation performance is good, had no effect on inflation, etc.
3, main part furnace brazing furnace, furnace is made of a 12 m in forming, namely only two side 2 weld, folding strengthen V groove at the bottom of the two.
4, slag removal chamber equipped with nitrogen gas preheating system, because there are high temperature slag removal chamber, in 500-600 ℃, when not being used, the high temperature also need emitted, resulting in energy loss. Now through slag removal chamber, internal installation scattered tropical, nitrogen cycle special process structures, such as nitrogen can be preheated to 350-400 ℃, and indirectly reduce the brazing furnace to nitrogen loss to the heat and power consumption.
5, for the energy-saving design of nitrogen, nitrogen losses mainly in the feed port and discharging port, how to ensure that the nitrogen loss is the key to save the nitrogen. Regular design can make the nitrogen from metal curtain on both sides of the overflow, metal curtain roll after using for a long time will appear, cannot achieve the desired effect. Now my company through from the top insert metal curtain, and high temperature polyester cloth, make furnace at two sides with the metal curtain connecting more closely, metal curtain after using for a long time will appear curly, but we have high temperature polyester cloth, outer spillover will still blocked the nitrogen.
6, fully automatic electric control system, two undisturbed switching procedures manual and automatic mode, can accurate records of each area of temperature curve, can copy computer analysis with EXCEL at the same time. The procedural control of the brazing furnace, can be very convenient setting the heating time, needed to make a contribution to protect the furnace. In view of the different temperature requirements of different products, with a key switch technology products, and other functions. Touch screen for each line, motor, temperature control, frequency converter fault for real-time monitoring, timely detection alarm in time, and in the form of Chinese display and storage.
7, remote control function, in the case of equipped with cable, can use the computer, mobile phones connected to the touch screen in real time, can see or remote control, also can be used as a remote maintenance. Brazing furnace main parts can also be video view (optional).